


       下面是一些跨境英语直播带货常用口语:1. Introduce yourself(介绍自己): – Hi everyone, my name is [Your Name], and I am here today to present these amazing products to you.2. Highlight the features(强调产品特点): – This product is known for its high quality and durability. – The unique design of this product sets it apart from others in the market. – It offers a wide range of benefits such as [list the benefits].3. Engage with viewers(与观众互动): – What do you think about this product? Let me know in the comments below. – I would love to hear your feedback or any questions you may have. – Don’t miss this opportunity to get this incredible product at a great price.4. Create urgency(制造紧迫感): – This is a limited-time offer, so make sure to grab it before it’s gone. – We only have a few more units left in stock, so don’t wait too long. – The price will increase after today, so take advantage of this special deal right now.5. Provide assistance(提供帮助): – If you have any questions about the product or need help with the purchase process, feel free to reach out to me directly. – We offer a hassle-free return policy, so you can shop with confidence. – I would be happy to assist you in any way I can.通过掌握这些常用的跨境英语直播带货口语,销售人员可以更加自信地进行推销和销售,与观众建立良好的沟通和互动,提高销售效果。

