
       Unit 5的主题是关于跨境电商中的关键术语和常用句型。


       下面是Unit 5的答案概述:1. 选择正确的单词或短语填空。

       1) Variants2) payment3) cart4) customs5) stock6) discount7) guarantee8) warranty2. 根据所提供的句子,选择适当的答案。

       1) How often do you take inventories?Correct answer: d) Every month.2) What is the average selling price?Correct answer: a) $100.3) What is the estimated delivery time?Correct answer: b) 10-15 business days.4) How do you track your orders?Correct answer: c) Through our online platform.3. 判断正误。

       1. The company is unable to fulfill the customer’s return request.Correct answer: True.2. The customer will receive a full refund within 7-10 business days.Correct answer: False.4. 补全对话。

       1) Customer: Can I modify my order? Correct answer: a) Sure, we can make changes to your order.2) Customer: How long does it take to process my order? Correct answer: c) It usually takes 1-2 business days to process your order.通过学习Unit 5的答案,您将了解到跨境电商中的关键术语,如订单处理时间、送货时间、退货政策等。


       总结:掌握好Unit 5的答案对于提升职场英语能力和在跨境电商领域更加自信地交流至关重要。
